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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to AYSO Region 350 Tucson, AZ

Team Parent

Dear Team Parent: 

This information sheet is what YOU as a Team Parent can do to assist your team’s Coach.  The Coach has many responsibilities outside of coaching, so the more helpers the coach has to more coaching they can do.  There will be a Mandatory Team Parent Meeting scheduled.  Date 9/5/2019.

Team Parent Responsibilities:


  • Find Volunteers from your team to assemble a Team Banner.  Try to get the banner made as soon as possible as Picture Day is Saturday, October 8, 2022 and your team will want their banner for their pictures. You will be given your picture schedule at a later date.  

  • Standard Banner Size: 3’ x 5’

  • Necessary items on the banner: 

  • Team Name

  • Coaches Name (s)

  • Players Names, (do not put names next to players numbers)

  • Sponsor Name(s)

  • Division (6U, 8UG, 12UB, etc)

  • Team Number

  • AYSO Region 350

We will have a banner contest at closing ceremonies.

  • Arrange snack schedule for your games:  Usually oranges or grapes for half time energy, and drinks and treats for after the game.

  • Promote Discount Cards as the region’s Fundraiser.  The cards are $10 and available for sale at the Field Marshall tent at Rillito on Saturday mornings or you can contact any board member listed at or Ed Smith ([email protected]). Money is due Sept 24, 2022.

  • Organize end of the season party and possible gift of “THANKS” for coaches.

Just because you are the team parent doesn’t mean you have to do all the work, just oversee it!! Find good helpers to assist you, people you can count on this way we can all have fun and enjoy the games.  Keep in contact with the Team Parent Coordinator, who can assist you in many areas and answer your questions. Remember AYSO is strictly run by volunteers and we really appreciate your help.  


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Contact Us

AYSO Region 350

P O Box 86891 
Tucson, Arizona 85754

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 520-477-2976
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